Skyrocket your website Traffic

Take your business to new heights with our Search Engine Marketing Services

Search Engine Marketing Services that deliver results. Explore our professional approach to Search Engine Marketing and Increase your Business

Why iBrand Strategy as your Search Engine Marketing Digital Agency?

At iBrand Strategy, we believe in creating tailor-made marketing solutions for our clients according to their individual requirements. We collaborate with the clients to make sure that they receive maximized returns from our digital marketing services. We create smart marketing campaigns that help you turn clicks into leads. We have Google Adwords Certified and experienced team of certified SEM experts. All our team members managing search engine marketing campaign are trained to deliver better ROI using Superior Keyword research, Page Optimization, Quality Score improvement tactics.

We understand the customers, competitors, resources, and challenges of the client to create campaigns that match their expectations Our Analysis and Analytics process help us provide a competitive advantage to our clients.

We have consistently outperformed our client’s expectations. Consult us for Superior ROI from Search Engine Marketing Service in India

Search Engine Marketing Services

Search Engine Marketing Strategies

Keyword Analysis

Conversion Rate Optimization

Banner Design

Landing Page Design

Google Analytics Goal Setting

If you are planning to Launch your Business, Use our Business Launch Plan.

Search Engine Marketing services for business Launch in India & USA. This Launch Plan is for every entrepreneur who is thinking of creating a disruptive, product or service. We help you grow your IDEA into a full-fledged Business of Tomorrow.

We do this by:

  • Helping you discover your potential and presenting unseen opportunities that are possible in your business areas
  • We Partner with you grow your network leveraging our existing relations in the market
  • We COACH you to create breakthroughs in areas that are “Barriers” to your business Growth.
  • Yeah! We also help your business go ONLINE!

So, if you are an Entrepreneur who is trying to find Small Business Search Engine Marketing Services,  do contact us for “Affordable SEM Packages”. Our superior SEM strategies and experience result in performance that can put you on an unparalleled growth path! 

Benefits of Search Engine Marketing(SEM) with iBrand Strategy

Our motto is to “Listen for, and reliably deliver, that, which matters to you.” This motto drives every element of Digital Marketing that we undertake.

Whether you are a large enterprise, an SME or a startup, you will find our Search Engine Marketing Services very effective and affordable.

One of the fundamental questions that any marketer faces is if they should do search engine marketing or not. Benefits of doing Search Engine Marketing with iBrand Strategy are as follow:

Target Audience that Buys:

People who are searching are looking at information regarding some product or services. The intention to buy gets demonstrated from the specific keyword that they type in eg. “couch price in New York” is a clear indication that the consumer is ready to buy a couch. By targeting this ready audience and pitching your ads through Google or Bing you are able to target the right audience and bring traffic to your website. This traffic may result in conversions, which could be defined by outright purchase or leads in some cases.So as a marketing strategy paid advertisements, make a lot of sense.

With iBrand Strategy, we help you identify your target audience very clearly using paid and free tools and match that with Intent specific keywords to ensure that you get Target Audience that Buys. That is one of the benefit of Search Engine Marketing(SEM) with iBrand Strategy.

Bring Traffic to your Website:

By running an SEM campaign, you can attract the audience to your website. These visitors can be easily converted into revenue. With our superior keyword research, you are able to get traffic of an audience that has clear intention to buy. iBrand Strategy deliver better traffic metrics in the same budget as compared to other agencies. This is another benefit of Search Engine Marketing(SEM) with iBrand Strategy.

Drive Immediate Results:

As compared to organic traffic, pay per click or PPC campaign can deliver immediate results. Organic traffic takes some time to build as there are a lot of factors that come in play there right from your website age, website speed, content, tags, site structure, SEO, etc. When your website appears on Search Engine Results Page in organic search you get traffic. Blogs etc. take time to build traffic to your website. So if you are trying to source traffic through search engine optimization(SEO) then you may not get immediate results. Whereas by paid search campaigns, you can immediately start getting results through your website. That’s why using SEM services may deliver faster results for your business. Work with us to deliver superior conversions. Our conversion rate optimization skills ensure that we deliver anywhere from 1.2X to 2X results of what you had experienced historically. This is another benefit of Search Engine Marketing(SEM) with iBrand Strategy.

Flexible Budgeting:

With SEM, you need not keep a fixed budget aside. You advertise as you wish and increase or decrease the budget as per fund availability and returns you are generating from paid advertisements. You can even alter your budget by the time of the day, and days of the week. Eg. you may want to keep paid advertisements budget higher for a restaurant business in residential areas on weekends. Similarly, you may want to keep paid search advertising budget low for a B2B service on weekends. So by using SEM service you get the flexibility to change your budget.

Maximize your ad spend returns through PPC:

In PPC campaigns, you end up paying for clicks. So, anyone who doesn’t see your advertisement or does not click after seeing, you are not charged for that. This way you are able to maximize your ad spend returns through PPC. In Google adwords, you can even vary your costs per click to bid for the first page in Google Adwords if not for the top of the page.

Come and take your business to newer heights using our search engine marketing services in India.

Our skills & experience

We believe in generating the return on investment for our clients supported by the quality of work. Our team is a mix of professionals who have over the years of Digital journey perfected the art of delivering this to meet your needs.

Strategic Consulting
Website Design and Development
Return on Investment Focus
Digital Creatives
Intent Marketing

We are proud to work with

We have worked with the clients across various segments. Right from Blue Chip companies, Small and Medium Enterprises to Startups, we have worked with them all and helped them grow disproportionally. We work across Technology, Media, Telecom, Banking, Financial Services, Infrastructure and Services.

tata group logo
Client of iBrand Strategy-ITM University

iBrand Strategy-Search Engine Marketing Company in India

Search Engine Marketing Strategies

iBrand Strategy helps you create Search Engine Marketing Strategies that work and deliver Return on Ad Spend.

How much budget to spend, which geographies to target? what keywords is your competition bidding for? What keywords are high volume and low bid keywords with low competition intensity? Use Display Ads or Search Network on Google? Should the ad be displayed on Youtube or should it be excluded? What kind of creatives are working and what kind of ad copies are being successful in your product category and Industry. All these and many more questions is what we help you answer using data extracted from various competitors of yours. Uncover, search engine marketing techniques that work with iBrand Strategy.

Technical SEO services in

Google Adword Account Setup

Well begun is half done!

Setting up Google Adwords can be a daunting task for many. We help businesses set up Google Adwords in the correct way such that they can peacefully supervise the outcome and focus on their main business. Our Google Certified Experts will help you setup master account, create dashboards, help you setup the billing etc. Apart from Dashboards, we also help in setting up required checks and balances to ensure that you don’t end up spending more than you wish to and that you get alerts and MIS’s automatically.

Google Adwords account

Keyword Analysis

Keyword analysis

Most of the time this is the single biggest reason for the failure of Search Engine Marketing Campaigns for businesses. There are multiple number of tools available in the market that provide a wide range of keywords but how do you identify which keywords are the ones that you should bid for. Typical strategies used are bid for high volume but low competition keyword. But often that also fails as the quality of keywords is mediocre. At iBrand Strategy, as a part of our Search Engine Marketing Services, we help you curate keywords that are intent driven. We ensure that the keywords chosen for campaigns are relevant to the ad groups, relevant to the landing page and are towards the bottom of the funnel in the buying cycle of users. This is what makes us the Best Search Engine Marketing company.

Conversion Rate Optimization

Conversion Rate Optimization

A good converting campaign is like the Pursuit of Excellence. You got to beat the cost metrics that you put for the campaign and maximize the revenue or conversion metrics that you put in place. Every day a campaign needs to be calibrated against the competition and steps taken to ensure that campaign objectives can be met. Our Conversion rate optimization strategies help you beat the best benchmarks that you may have come across for your campaigns in the past.

Conversion rate optimization is an integral part of any Digital Marketing Campaigns. The primary purpose of conversion rate optimization is to improve conversion rates. A conversion may be an online order for a business or a lead for another business.

We look at various aspects of how conversions can be improved, right from page speed of landing page, traffic analysis, AD copies that are not working, Adgroups and the keywords in them,

Every Conversion Rate Optimization initiative starts with a Hypothesis or a what-if scenario. Our Conversion Rate Optimization experience makes us one of the best search engine marketing company in this space.

Banner Design

“A picture can speak a thousand words” is an apt saying. Every Ad copy is not the same. Our ability to create banners that resonate with your target audience is what differentiates us in this market. Our creative head has worked with brands like Samsung and Sony over 2 decades and its the insights and experience that makes our search engine campaigns extraordinary. Ability to link Text, Copy and Brand Guidelines to the campaign objectives is akin to tight rope walking. But our team of creative experts are adept at dealing with such challenges on a daily basis for various brands.

Banner Design for

Landing Page Design

Landing Page Design

Landing Pages are crucial ensuring good quality score on your Campaigns. Landing Pages are used to ensure that users do not get lost on non-relevant pages of your website and they get all the information related to advertised products and services in one place. This helps users in making up their mind about whether to take the next step. This is crucial in ensuring good conversion rates. Trying out multiple Landing Pages is essential for figuring out which page has the right elements that resonate with your audience.

At iBrand Strategy, we have mastered the art of creating Landing Pages after years of experience. Our ability to create fast loading Landing Pages which are aligned with the Adgroups, your campaign keywords and specific products and services help you get a high-quality score. This along with super efficient keyword research and search engine marketing strategies ensure that you get good Return on Ad Spend(RoAS).

Google Analytic Goal Setting

What can’t be measured, can’t be improved. We believe that measuring results is what helps us improve the results for our clients. Google Analytics and Adobe Omniture are the tools that we use to help track and measure all the metrics related to your campaigns. We help our clients setup relevant Goals and Conversion Tags so that your website traffic can be measured and analyzed. Our Google Analytics certified professional help implement, measure and optimize campaigns to ensure that you get the results you desire for your business.

google analytics

How we help boost revenues?

A Digital marketing agency should provide strategy, insights and execution capabilities to meet your consumer demands. As a Digital Marketing Agency in India, we aim to provide growth marketing to your business. As a digital service provider, we have in the past worked with clients in diverse industries such as Banking, Internet, Luxury Products, Fashion & Apparel, FMCG and electrical products.

As a digital marketing agency, our approach to Digital Marketing is what differentiates us and makes us one of the best digital marketing agencies in India to work with.

How we deploy our digital marketing services:

We work on your Digital Strategy, branding, and eCommerce. Here is how we do it:

Insights: As per the famous marketing guru, Philip Kotler, marketing is the science and art of exploring, creating, and delivering value to satisfy the needs of a target market at a profit. We begin understanding your competitive landscape and understanding your consumers. What are your consumer preferences, where can you find them? What are their needs? What are their expectations, attitudes, and behaviors towards your products and services? As a digital agency in India, iBrand Strategy works on sharing insights with you about the market and your customer that help you target your customer more effectively. We help you build your customer persona as that is the starting point of our insights.

Search Engine Optimization: Is your website appearing on the first page of Google search results? When 70% of traffic goes to appear on the first page of Google Search Result, it is no longer optional for a business to appear on the first page, it is absolutely critical for the survival of business in a large number of categories and industries. We help businesses focus on mission-critical items and help them implement SEO best practices using our experience and skills in this area. This helps you get more organic traffic and win over your competition in local listings.

Social media marketing: Social media is a very large digital marketing channel. Given the engagement levels and the time spend on these social media platforms, it is hard to ignore their contribution to making brands successful. iBrand Strategy not only manager your social presence across the relevant platforms, but we also help you engage with customers in a manner that increases your conversions using intent marketing basis campaigns.

Creative Web designs: We help you create websites where every element, content, and page has a purpose with the consumer as the focus. This helps you gain a distinct advantage over the competition in terms of user-friendliness of your website. Usability and creativity are the two elements that need to be balanced to ensure an engaging consumer experience.

iBrand Strategy’s team of dedicated UI/UX designers and website developers make sure your site looks beautiful as well as relevant to the customer’s needs.

Mobile app development: To have a mobile app or not? Or to have a progressive web app(PWA?). Is your mobile app really helping your customers? Are the transactions on your mobile app frictionless? These are some of the basic questions that most businesses struggle with. We not only help you explore these issues but also resolve the gaps in your mobile app. A good mobile app can help skyrocket your business and a bad one can really take it down. We help you create an aesthetically appealing, frictionless and user-friendly apps that help you increase your business.

Website Cleaning and penalty removal: Are you penalized by Google for using questionable SEO practices. Is your site having plagiarised content? Are you getting a lot of Spam? Google can be ruthless in penalizing such websites. At iBrand Strategy, we help you clean up your website and address all issues that may have led to website penalty.

Conversion rate optimization: Bringing traffic to your website is just one part of the puzzle. Next part of the puzzle is to ensure that they convert into revenue generating customers. At iBrand Strategy, we have unique tools and strategies that have proven over a period of time to deliver extraordinary returns. We help make the user experience frictionless such that they have hassle-free experience and convert into paying consumers.

Lead driven content: At the end of the day the purpose of a website is more than just representing your business online. It not only helps you create awareness but also helps your consumers in making purchase decisions. Similarly, the purpose of your website content is to help you generate more leads that result in more revenues. Our content strategy is aligned to meet your organizational goals.

Web analytics: Everything we do in life is measurable today. So why not do the same with your websites. We understand your business and what metrics matter to help you drive your business. We help you figure out what is working well for you and what is not. Basis our understanding of your strengths and weaknesses based on web analytics, we are able to come out with unique strategies that help you excel at what you do.

Mobile marketing: When 80% of customers traffic is coming from mobile phones it is hard to ignore it as a medium. Consumers are today consuming videos, doing shopping, even studying on mobile. More and more people are surfing and buying on their mobiles. At iBrand Strategy, we help you develop your mobile marketing strategy so that you can create impact through this important marketing channel

Online Reputation Management: In today’s world managing your brand’s reputation online has become very important. Increasingly brands are receiving flak for campaigns that send out controversial messages and get into crossfire from other brands facing challenging issues in their market communication. Given the virality of such events, it is important that you not only remain visible but also reach out proactively in such scenarios to your consumers. A quick revert, a promise to resolve the issue, can help clients manage the impact of such disruptive events. At iBrand Strategy, we work with brands to help them manage brand reputation and create positive feedback.

Build brand equity: At iBrand Strategy, we understand the role digital channels make in building brands today. From a startup trying to establish its presence in the market to a new product launch by an existing brand, we help you create and strengthen your brand equity. We believe that integrating your offline and digital campaigns give consumers a unified experience that stays relevant and consistent with your brand’s identity. At iBrand Strategy, it is our endeavor to enhance your brand reputation. Our approach to building brands makes us one of the top 10 digital advertising agencies in India.

Frequently Asked Questions

Search engine marketing vs social media marketing

Search Engine Marketing and search engine optimization both serve the same purpose, which is to bring traffic to your website. However, the way both deliver it is different. Let us understand the difference and then understand which is better.

  • Paid Vs Free:

Search engine optimization is driving traffic from google search or Bing search to your website. For this traffic, you don’t have to spend money as such, whereas for search engine marketing, you will have to pay per click.

  • Top 4 Vs. Next 10 Results:

Google’s top 4 results are reserved for paid advertising campaigns and the next 10 results for organic search results. So there is an advantage by paying up and being there at the top.

  • Spend Money every time Vs. Spend Money Once:

In SEM you have to spend money every time you want to generate traffic. In SEO once you have invested resources to get to a particular rank, you keep getting traffic by investing small time every day on optimization. So SEM Vs. SEO becomes a choice of spending money every time one needs traffic Vs. spending money once and then reaping the benefits of that for a long time.

  • Instantaneous results Vs. Long-term results:

SEM Vs. SEO also becomes a question of instantaneous results vs long-term results. SEM will give you results immediately, whereas SEO will yield results over a longer period of time.

  • The number of factors impacting output:

In the case of search engine marketing, factors that impact your output are the quality score, keyword research, and bids. Quality score is a function of how well your landing pages are created along with how well your advertisement matches with the landing page. So there are a fewer number of factors impacting search engine advertisement.

Search engine optimization, on the other hand, is impacted by over 200 factors, most of which are not known also. There are guesses about which factors may be impacting search queries and results but very little direct information is available on ranking factors.

So SEM is far easier to execute as compared to SEO.

iBrand Strategy Services provides Search Engine Marketing services in India & USA. Our search engine marketing services can be tailored to meet your bespoke needs. We are experts at maximizing the return on Ad spend in SEM service and ensuring that your campaign objectives are met. We achieve this by doing the following:

iBrand Strategy Service identifies Start-ups & SME’s as the nation’s growth enablers and job creators. It is our endeavor to support Start-up’s and SME’s and help them grow exponentially and create BRANDS that become household names in the future.

We have created special Start-up Launch Packages where you will be able to start advertising with us for a very low budget. These packages help you get the maximum Return on Investment without splurging money on non-essential channels. We chart the business journey and customize our services to suit the clients at every stage of their growth.

What is Search Engine Marketing?

Search Engine Marketing is the practice of advertising online for ranking on search engine result pages. As per one estimate, there were around 1.2 trillion searches online in the year 2017. For an advertiser, this is a huge opportunity to showcase their products or services by appearing on Search Engine Result Pages.

In search engine marketing, advertisers bid for specific search terms that users are searching for. Basis their bids and various other factors, the search engine decides whether to showcase the top bidder’s advertisement or not.

Search Engine Marketing on Google is done through a platform called Google AdWords. Similarly, search engine marketing on Bing is known as Bing Ads.

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