Online Reputation Management

Reinforce Positive Image for better BRAND PERCEPTION

Grow and protect your business with Online Reputation Management Services

from one of the Best Online Reputation Management Agency in India.

Online Reputation Management in India

Sentiment Analysis

Listening and analysis

Conversation tracking

Perception management

What is Online Reputation Management?

Reputation Management is about influencing people’s opinions about a specific business or an individual. 

Online reputation management is a practice or actions involved in influencing public opinion of a business or individuals by providing online information about the company or individual. Online Reputation Management means controlling online conversations, strategies, and techniques such that people find the right information that you want them to see about yourself. It helps drive public opinion about a product or service.

Online Reputation Management can be used for:

  • Controlling the information about yourself
  • Creating a positive brand perception about yourself
  • Countering the negative news about yourself by providing facts and your perspective
  • Containing the impact of negative press that damages brand perception

Why you should be concerned about your online reputation?

1) The Internet is our first stop for every kind of information today

Today people not only search for information but also trust what they discover online. Decisions are made basis the information found online. Across the categories, online shopping is influenced by the quality of reviews right from restaurants, hotels to even automobiles, etc.

2) Boundaries between online and offline are disappearing

As the online world becomes more and more integrated into our lives due to smartphones and social media. Today host of activities are happening online for the offline world. E.g., You need food, but you research restaurant reviews online, or you need to travel somewhere. Such offline businesses like restaurants, tour operators, hotels also need to keep up their image. If offline stores are not selling anything online, they are generating inquiries that result in business offline. So people are checking for information about you, your business, your services, etc. online, whether you like it or not. 

Similarly, as an individual, you are leaving your digital footprint online when you use social media or undertaken any online activity. This essentially means that you may end up leaving an online mark, positive or negative in more and more ways now.

One may wonder why people will search online about you:

Common reasons include:

  • Employing searching job boards like etc. for hiring prospective employees
  • Landlords looking at online profiles on social media like Facebook and LinkedIn for potential tenants
  • Colleagues sharing professional achievements and opportunities
  • Young people looking for partners online on matrimonial sites like Bharat matrimony for marriage
  • Websites like tinder for dating etc

So no matter whether you are active in the online world or not, there is a lot of information available about you that people are seeing.

3) Your online profiles are forever

If someone gives your business a negative review, you can’t wish it away or delete it. Any such negative review impacts you over the long term, especially if you are unaware of it.

So it is not only important to keeps tabs on what people are saying about you online but also take corrective actions to put your viewpoint forward factually. This is exactly the reason why you need to monitor not only what others are posting but also what you are posting yourself. E.g., the US immigration services now collect social media data of immigrants to screen all people entering the united states.

Have negative reviews online that are hurting your business?

Online Reputation Management Agency in India & USA for online reputation management.

We do this by:

  • Active social listening and sentiment analysis
  • Helping you discover your potential and presenting unseen opportunities that are possible in your business areas
  • Managing your negative reviews
  • We Partner with you grow your network leveraging our existing relations in the market
  • We COACH you to create breakthroughs in areas that are “Barriers” to your business Growth.
  • Yeah! We also help your business go ONLINE!

So, if you are an Entrepreneur who is trying to find “Online Reputation Management Company”  do contact us. Our superior online reputation management strategies and experience result in performance that can put you on an unparalleled growth path! Consult one of the Best Online Reputation Management Company in India

Our skills & experience

We believe in generating the return on investment for our clients supported by the quality of work. Our team is a mix of professionals who have over the years of Digital journey perfected the art of delivering this to meet your needs.

Strategic Consulting
Website Design and Development
Return on Investment Focus
Digital Creatives
Intent Marketing

We are proud to work with

We have worked with the clients across various segments. Right from Blue Chip companies, Small and Medium Enterprises to Startups, we have worked with them all and helped them grow disproportionally. We work across Technology, Media, Telecom, Banking, Financial Services, Infrastructure and Services.

tata group logo
Client of iBrand Strategy-ITM University

Benefits of online reputation management

  1. Improves Trust-Good reputation means higher trust. This not only helps in selling more products or services but reduces your acquisition costs also. If some people patronise your brand, more people are also likely to follow suit. 
  2. Reputation improves profitability- Companies with a good reputation online tend to attract more customers quickly. Every great review online helps strengthen your status and ability to inspire confidence from more customers. As per a Harvard Study, a one-star improvement in rating on YELP improves profitability by 5% to 9%.
  3. Impacts hiring ability- A good reputation helps employer’s ability to attract great talent. Prospective employees like to research ratings and feedbacks on websites like glassdoor
  4. Good reputation fights negative news easily- Remember the case of Maggi containing lead leading to more than a Rs 1000 Crore decline in sales of Maggi. Maggi otherwise had an excellent reputation as a brand, and after this controversy, Maggi sales bounced back over the next six months and stabilised. Had it been a brand with a bad reputation, it would have been challenging to bounce back, forget bouncing back to the same levels. Great reputation negates any negative propaganda by competition. 

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Frequently Asked Questions

Online Reputation Management involves four marketing channels that are also called PESO model.

‘P’ stands for Paid Media- 

Paid media covers all marketing channels that require you to make payment for them and involves external websites and networks like Google Ads, Facebook Ads etc., Instagram Ads, Linkedin Ads, Sponsored posts on influencers blog etc.

‘E’ stands for Earned Media- 

These are coverage that you get on external networks/media without making a payment. Earned media could involve coverage on news websites or could involve sharing, mentioning, reposting of your content that is found shareable by users.

‘S’ stands for Social Media-

Your social media pages are an extension of your brand and become another web property where users or customers can engage with your organisation. By dedicating resources to these properties, an organisation can engage users in conversations and help improve the brand experience by publishing content that users are looking for.

‘O’ stands for Owned Properties-

Your business website or blogs are properties or marketing channels over which you have complete control about your digital presence.

Online Reputation Management(ORM) encompasses all marketing channels like PESO(Paid Media, Earned Media, Social Media and Owned Media). Given that Social Media is one of the channels, albeit an important one, for Online Reputation Management. Social Media does become an essential cog in the wheel in managing your Online Reputation Management. Social Media has a very wide reach, and given this reach, news, both positive and negative, can very quickly start impacting your business. But your other online properties also do play a big role. Your blogs, research reports published, press releases on various news websites along with FAQ’s, AI-driven chatbots can help customers queries addressed and allay and negative news to rest before it damages your business in any way.

The very basic starting point of managing your online reputation to have control over the information that shows up when people look for you online and can be done in two ways:

1. Creating your online presence
2. Ensuring it gets found

1. Create the right presence

Your online reputation is all the information available online, including your positive and negative reviews, blogs, and social media channels. You need to ensure your presence on online channels that are RIGHT for you. Definition of the RIGHT online channel can vary from individual to individual and business to business. For a B2B business, LinkedIn could be more important than Instagram Presence. Similarly, for a fashion photographer, Facebook and Instagram could be important channels. It also includes presence across various Online listing platforms like Justdial, Yelp, Tradeindia etc.

So, one of the first steps in online reputation management is creating the RIGHT presence on sites that you control. 

2. Make sure it gets found

Your website/Blog/YouTube Channels should appear in top search results to ensure that when you are searched online, people can discover you. A website that is not crawled by google will not even be visible when searched online unless the exact URL is typed in. The first page of Google search results commands almost 75%-85% of traffic. So if you do not appear on the first page of Google, there is very little chance that you will get found. So, only social media posts, Instagram images are not sufficient. Search Engines should be able to discover you online, and Search Engine Optimisation can go a long way in helping you achieve this. This helps you boost important content/ pages to the top of the result pages where people can find it easily.

There are a lot of ranking factors, and it is impossible to cover each one of them here. Here are a few articles that will go a long way in helping you develop an understanding of what matters.

  1. How to write Meta Description for Search Engine Optimisation in 2020?
  2. How to write SEO Friendly URLs 
  3. How to write title tags for SEO?
  4. How important are header tags for SEO?

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