Business_Digitally Transformed

Right Direction + Great Advice + Execution= Business Success

Grow your business with CONSULTING Services from iBrand Strategy. Grow your business with ROI driven services in Marketing, E-commerce, and Digital Consulting Services with Best Marketing Consulting Services firms in India

Why iBrand Strategy as your consulting Partner

Create a competitive advantage in the market and transform your business with our Digital Transformation Services.

We help create your Business and Digital Strategy based on your audience needs, competitive landscape, and your brand values. Our Digital Transformation Practice can help you skyrocket your business

  • Experienced Leadership
  • Business Consulting Services backed by years of experience
  • Marketing Consulting Services built on Consumer Insights
  • Digital Transformation Services built on time tested IT architecture
  • Build online Presence through our Ecommerce Insights
  • Use insights on brands to help drive your business

Why hire a Business and Marketing Consulting Company in India

We are an “ROI Driven” Business and Marketing Consulting Company in India. At iBrand Strategy, we help you achieve your Goals. We believe that context is most decisive in delivering messages. Communicate the same message in different contexts can be devastating in one situation and provide explosive growth in another situation. We help your brand create the context and create messages that nourish your brand. We work closely with our clients to “LISTEN FOR, and reliably deliver, THAT, which really makes a difference to their business”. Our unique insights into consumer behaviors and psychometrics help us uncover the latent need of the consumers and help create strategies that deliver exceptional business results.

Our solutions are simple, transparent and are built around your specific requirements. We are known as experts who love to keep it straight.

iBrand Strategy is a Business and Marketing Consulting firm founded by Rajnish Rajpal. Rajnish is a Management Graduate from Management Development Institute, Gurgaon. He has worked across Banking, Telecom and Internet companies for over 18 years. In his decade-long experience with Times Internet Ltd, he has helped numerous entrepreneurs, organizations in various Internet technologies. Given his exposure in various Industries and functional areas, he has managed to provide consultation to a lot of organizations and startups.

We cater to the following areas as part of Business and Marketing Consulting Services

Business Consulting Service:

Trying to figure out how to achieve your organizational goals? How to understand industry dynamics, competition landscape and how to integrate that with the product/service offerings that satisfy the needs of your consumers? iBrand Strategy Services can help you. We help organizations by providing business consulting services in the area of Strategy, Product and Consumer Insights, Customer Service, Human Resources. We use world-class frameworks and tools to help our clients achieve disproportionate growth in their markets and help them benchmark at various levels eg. Product level, Organisational level,  Industry level, across Industry Level and worldwide as well.

Marketing Consulting Services:

Wondering where to sell your product? What market would be good to test market your product? How to price the new product being launched? Launch offline first or online first? What should your product pitch be? How should you position your product?

Don’t worry!

iBrand Strategy Services is there to provide consulting services in all these areas to you. We partner with businesses as consulting partners and ASK questions that help you get INSIGHTS into HOW to market your products? A good problem is difficult to find. Our endeavor is to come up with a Good problem in the area you are working upon and help you with INSIGHTS, Strategy and directional input on WHAT IS!

Our unique perspectives and diverse experience help us ASK questions that provide breakthroughs to organizations in achieving their goals.


Digital Consulting Services:


The Internet has impacted the way business happens across the world. Every product, the industry is facing the disruptive impact of the Internet and Digital technology across the products, categories, and industries. We help our clients undertake Digital transformation by aligning their existing business and processes to deliver inorganic growths and help connect your business with the Digital Landscape.

With the abundance of information also comes the inability to identify good information from bad. This itself can significantly impact the actions that you take basis the information. At iBrand Strategy, we help you make choices based on sound information and practices, in the area of Digital, which has been tried and tested. We help you with insights about your organization, your competitors across various digital channels and help you identify the low lying opportunities. This helps us outmatch your competitors as they play a catchup game with your digital initiatives.

Our process orientation and talent management best practices ensure that your Digital Transformation delivers results for your organization.

Ecommerce Strategy Consulting

E-Commerce is growing fast. Most of the offline businesses are looking to capitalize on this opportunity of taking their business online. Presence of various marketplaces has become one of the best ways to take your business online.

We help you go online, by identifying the opportunities, in terms of product, price, positioning and promoting it online such that you are able to get Returns on your investment. We help you identify the right marketplaces for your products.

A lot of businesses struggle to go online in the absence of right guidance. Moreover, businesses are cautious in going online in the absence of understanding technology. At iBrand Strategy Services, we help you identify the right marketplaces for you and give you perspectives on how to compare various options in taking your business online. We also help you as a technology partner is setting your shop, merchandising, etc. such that you can focus on product selling instead of trying to understand technology.

Our eCommerce strategy consulting services will provide you with consumer insights, merchandising strategy, supply chain and digital marketing strategy that will help you become a leading eCommerce player in your industry.

Ecommerce Strategy

Digital Marketing Consulting Services:

Digital Marketing

Internet and digital technologies have transformed businesses worldwide. So widespread is the impact that large offline businesses have been forced to either shut down or shape up and go online.

Consumer’s attention is shifting from television to mobile devices and social media. Today almost every alternate person worldwide is connected to the internet. Brands and individuals alike are exploring options to leverage digital marketing for their businesses.

iBrand Strategy Services is one of the top digital marketing consulting firms in India. Our digital marketing consulting services are customized to your specific business needs. We offer a host of online marketing services that include website optimisation, search engine optimisation, social media marketing, eCommerce, content marketing services, Online Reputation Management, and Influencer Marketing.

We are full-service digital marketing agency, and that helps us not only provide consulting services but also execute those successfully.

Talent Management Consulting:

Employer Brand is what your employees, current and potential future job candidates think about you as an employer. For a business, it is very important as It forms the perception of how you treat your employees and candidates and also tells about your Employee Value Proposition. Employees create the organizational culture and help create value for their clients.

iBrand Strategy understands the process of articulating your company’s unique message, voice, and strategy and attracting the right candidates to your company. We understand that Employer Branding requires organizations to have synchronized messaging across Marketing and Human Resources team. Our insights into recruitment and employer branding landscape help us create the “RIGHT” employer brand. Our Talent Management consulting helps you not only audit existing talent management practices but also benchmarks you against the best in the market. We help organizations in Talent Acquisition, Employer Branding, Talent Management Practices, and Processes,

Talent Management

If you are planning to Launch your Business, Use our Business Launch Plan.

Business and Marketing for business Launch successfully. This Launch Plan is for every entrepreneur who is thinking of creating a disruptive, product or service. We help you grow your IDEA into a full-fledged Business of Tomorrow. Use our launch plan to transform your business.

We do this by:

  • Helping you discover your potential and presenting unseen opportunities that are possible in your business areas
  • We Partner with you grow your network leveraging our existing relations in the market
  • We COACH you to create breakthroughs in areas that are “Barriers” to your business Growth.
  • Yeah! We also help your business go ONLINE!

So, if you are an Entrepreneur who is trying to find the BEST CONSULTING SERVICES COMPANY FOR SME’s and STARTUPs,  do contact us. Our superior digital strategies and digital experience result in performance that can put you on an unparalleled growth path! Find out more!

Our skills & experience

We believe in generating the return on investment for our clients supported by the quality of work. Our team is a mix of professionals who have over the years of Digital journey perfected the art of delivering this to meet your needs.

Strategic Consulting
Website Design and Development
Return on Investment Focus
Digital Creatives
Intent Marketing

We are proud to work with

We have worked with the clients across various segments. Right from Blue Chip companies, Small and Medium Enterprises to Startups, we have worked with them all and helped them grow disproportionally. We work across Technology, Media, Telecom, Banking, Financial Services, Infrastructure and Services.

tata group logo
Client of iBrand Strategy-ITM University

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